Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What's In A Name?

What’s in a name? How did you come up with a name for your business, pets, boat, or anything else? Artistic Detour was born while we were driving home from one of our favorite blues clubs. Mr. AD (aka John) and I were talking about the detours we have had in our life, and how they take you to roads untraveled. We were also discussing starting a business and selling some things that we love to make. The light bulb went on, and the rest is history. Our pets were named by our kids, so that was easy. Our boat was a group effort with us and some friends who stopped by one evening. We were trying to think up a name, and had a few favs, but we just couldn't’t come up with the perfect name. We liked the definition of the term “gunkhole”, which is both a noun and a verb. It means a small sheltered cove, and it also means to roam the waters aimlessly from island to island. I wasn’t too hep on the word itself, but that is what we usually do in our boat. Well a few hours later, the list possible names was longer, and were getting just downright silly. We were still at it, when our friend pulled up the hood of his sweatshirt, said the word “gunkholing” in his best Bevis and Butthead voice, and we were all rolling with laughter. It then mutated into “GunkHolio” and believe it or not, we actually did use that name. Ha! I’m sure the folks who printed the decal with the name were chuckling. Feel free to post a comment on how you got your name! I love a story behind a name!

Fun With Words

OK...I admit it....I like the fun and games that are out there. Here is another one. You can use your own text, or put your website address in the box. Here is the link if you want to play. Wouldn't this make a great T-shirt?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What is Your Fairy Name?

Your fairy is called Fire Rainbowwitch

She is a fortune bringer.

She lives where fireflies mate and breed.

She is only seen in the enchanted moment between sleep and waking.

Her dresses glow with fiery colours. She has multicoloured wings like a butterfly.

Play With Fire

Ahhh...nothing like firing up the kiln on a cold winter day. We have been playing with fire and melting glass and having way to much fun. A friend of ours is a glassblower, and if his piece is not absolutely perfect, he trashes it. Lucky me to have access to his mistakes. This is a plate, he thought it had a bubble, so I recycled it. It was cut, fire polished, and annealed. I love the cobalt blue color and the thick clear glass between the colors. It has so much depth to it. On the left is the "before" and on the right is the "after". I added some sea glass, a wire wrapped bail, and a cord. Maybe tomorrow I'll walk the beach and look for some buried treasure, but not today!

Test Time!

You are The Wheel of Fortune

Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of
intoxication with success

The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Take the Plunge

Ok...I have a blog. Now what? I told myself I would get out of the stone age and create a blog in 2009. Yea! I did it. I really don't know what to say or write here, but will anyone see it anyway?

I thought I would start by posting some photos of the wonderful December we had here in the Pacific Northwest. We had lots of snow, which is rare for us here at sea level, and although it made driving treacherous, it sure was pretty. These photos were taken on Camano Island, WA which is about an hour north of Seattle.
Am I still talking to myself?